Each September, we have the privilege of celebrating and honoring our Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) during a special week. This week-long national event created by our national association ANCOR, is a chance to show our heartfelt appreciation for the incredible support and services DSPs provide to our clients.
The 2024 theme for DSP Week was “In My DSP Era,” inspired by Taylor Swift’s Eras concert tour. We kicked off the week on Sunday by delivering “Fearless” sugar cookie kits to our residential sites for clients and staff to enjoy. On Monday, everyone dazzled in purple, and we gave away $50 and $100 cash prizes every hour. Tuesday brought a “Wonderland” of breakfast, catered by Bluestem Bistro. On Wednesday, the Three Chiefs personally delivered postcards and $50 to all of our staff thanks to an anonymous donor! Thursday had everyone sporting Taylor’s boyfriend’s favorite color, with hourly gift basket giveaways. Finally, we wrapped up the week on Friday with a Chipotle lunch, minute-to-win-it games on the patio, and $25 gift card giveaways.
We couldn’t have asked for a better DSP Appreciation Week! We are incredibly grateful for our dedicated Direct Support Professionals at Big Lakes, who continually embody our mission. Every day, they show up ready to support the individuals we serve, with some working over 40 hours a week to provide 24/7 care. Their passion and kindness never go unnoticed.
View all the event photos: https://biglakesdevelopmentalcenter.pixieset.com/inmydsperaappreciationweek/
