On February 23rd, Big Lakes launched a new website designed to depict our welcoming brand and improve how we share our mission with the community, donors, and the individuals we serve. This new website has several new features, including viewing our newsletter digitally, a monthly blog post, a page tailored to the Foundation, and much more.
Let’s take a step back in time: 1999, the year Big Lakes launched its first-ever website on the World Wide Web. This website was accessible from a desktop monitor with dial-up Internet. Websites, in general, were still new, especially the idea of accessing information digitally.
At the time, 140 individuals with IDD received services, and we operated nine residential homes.
Think about now how different the Internet is today. You can access everything you need to know through something that fits in your pocket: your phone!
We encourage you to navigate through our new website, biglakes.org. It is packed with information about the services and supports we provide, a timeline to walk you through the history of Big Lakes, a guide to becoming a partner, and lots of great pictures.